How do you file a claim or lawsuit for damages after being diagnosed with mesothelioma after asbestos exposure?
The attorneys at Cohn & Swartzon, a Southern California-based law firm, have handled many asbestos exposure claims to completion and helped clients claim tens of millions in damages over their 15-year history.
To understand how mesothelioma payouts and settlement claims for damages work, we’ll need to dive into what leads to these diagnoses and how a skilled attorney can help you secure compensation.
Why Asbestos Exposure Can Lead to a Mesothelioma Payout
Malignant mesothelioma is a unique form of cancer that grows in the thin tissue surrounding internal organs like the lungs, heart, and abdomen. Prolonged exposure to asbestos in the workplace is the primary cause. The diagnosis is often connected to occupations in shipyards, refineries, manufacturing or power plants, factories, plumbers, drywallers and similar occupations.
Surgery and chemotherapy are the most common treatments, but early detection can potentially help to slow the disease’s impact. Typical symptoms include:
- Persistent cough
- Chest pain
- Shortness of breath
- Fatigue
- Loss of appetite
- Pneumonia like symptoms
If you or a loved one is experiencing these symptoms, it’s a good idea to schedule a medical examination, especially if workplace asbestos exposure is part of your past history. In order to make a claim for asbestos exposure that causes mesothelioma, you must first be diagnosed with mesothelioma. If you are diagnosed with mesothelioma after asbestos exposure, you may be entitled to damages.
At this point, it’s important to speak with an attorney who has experience with asbestos litigation and mesothelioma payouts to find out what your options are.
How Will an Attorney Help Me Obtain Compensation for Mesothelioma Settlement?
Working with an experienced attorney will make the claim process and potential payout of damages much easier than if you try to do it yourself – especially if you’re facing intensive medical treatment following your diagnosis. Your job is to get better, not worry about dealing with the complexity of filing legal claims for damages.
Your attorney should help you gather the medical documentation and asbestos exposure history to put together a compelling claim. And as your partner in the process, your attorney should be supportive and answer any questions you may have throughout the process, whether related to the legal claims or treatment options.
The Right Firm for Asbestos Exposure Litigation
Even with a mesothelioma diagnosis, your legal options will not remain open forever. Choosing an attorney to help you begin pursuing compensation quickly will be extremely important. All claims for injuries have very strict timelines, including claims for mesothelioma.
Cohn & Swartzon’s personal injury attorneys have secured more than $43 million for mesothelioma victims, and our team understands how important it is to move forward with a cohesive strategy that will lead to the outcome you deserve.
“Mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure has claimed the lives of thousands of Californians since we opened our practice in 2008. The individuals and their loved ones who have to deal with the ramifications of working in unsafe conditions for years deserve compensation for what they are going through now, and we do everything we can to provide those outcomes for our clients.”
– Saar Swartzon, Founding Principal, Cohn & Swartzon
When you partner with an attorney who understands how these claims work, the likelihood that you’ll secure a quick and appropriate mesothelioma settlement and damages increases dramatically. Don’t leave your settlement or compensation to chance – speak with an attorney at Cohn & Swartzon about your mesothelioma diagnosis as soon as possible.