Why You Need a Personal Injury Attorney For Your Car Accident Case
Car accident cases in Southern California are common – and yet can be complicated. What do you need to know before an accident happens? Find out in this new post!
What Qualifies as a Wrongful Death Claim or Lawsuit?
When you lose a loved one, moving forward can feel overwhelming. But if you’re considering a wrongful death claim or lawsuit, you should seek counsel right away.
What is the Car Accident Settlement Process?
What are the keys to the car accident settlement process? What do victims need to know, and what is your attorney’s role? Get answers here!
Who Needs Uber & Lyft Accident Lawyers in California?
Do you need Uber & Lyft accident lawyers because of a rideshare driver’s negligence? Find out how Cohn & Swartzon can help in this post!
Anatomy of a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Southern California
How does a personal injury lawsuit work, and how much can I get for my case? Get an inside look from attorney Saar Swartzon in this post.